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Basic Math and Language: The Pre-K and Kindergarteners will be introduced to basic math and language in our sessions. Counting the number of peas in a pod, collecting the right number of blocks to make up the stack etc. will be some of our interactive, hands-on method by which we will introduce math to them. Alphabets, phonetics and spellings will be introduced to them too via. games and songs.

Introduction to Reading: It’s never too early to start reading to your child. Even babies are recommended a few minutes of reading -out -loud time. So here at Kidzbee we just get on with reading at the get go. We believe it’s the best way to instill in children a love for language and knowledge. Our teachers will spend some time during the class hours to read out to our students. Which will in turn encourage them to try out reading on their own. And with our teachers help and assistance the students are sure to grapple in reading within no time.

Critical Thinking: Here at Kidzbee we will instill in our students the ability to think critically. And this skill-set will help them understand that sometimes not arriving at the expected answer is a good thing, as it paves the way to new paths and discoveries. And critical thinking is but the scientific way to arrive at new conclusions. We will nurture in them the skills to be their own problem solvers. And also help them realize that there is more than one way to effectively problem solve. This we will achieve through assignments and interactive workshops.

Fine Motor and Social Skills: Play is a vital part of child development. It’s said that a child learns more from 30 minutes at play that from hours of sitting still in a classroom. Vital fine motor and social skills are all accumulated at the playground. And here at Kidzbee we provide a rich, guided environment to play, that will help them develop these vital skills for life. With toys and educational equipment at their disposal. And music and movement, they are sure to get all tuned up and ready to meet the world.

Confidence, Focus and Creativity: As part of the curriculum we will be hosting weekly show and tell sessions, extempore etc. which will help our Pre-K and Kindergarteners to face the world with confidence. The curriculum is designed to ensure that the child pays attention to what is at hand. And our dedicated faculty will provide an environment that will encourage kids to be focused on the task at hand and in-turn achieve their goals with ease. With very few kids to teacher ratio, the faculty at Kidzbee have the luxury to help achieve your child’s needs. Arts and crafts and creative sessions wherein they make their own little portfolios of gadgets and puppets is another important part of our extensive, interactive curriculum.

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  • Kidzbee has been currently launched at three locations in New Jersey.

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Kidzbee is the latest venture by the Mindsahead Academy family that has been successfully running a string of after-school programs for almost a decade.

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